
  • Christina Weyl
    Picture of Christina Weyl

    Christina Weyl received her BA from Georgetown University (2005) and completed her masters and doctorate in Art History at Rutgers University (2012, 2015). Her first book, The Women of Atelier 17: Modernist Printmaking in Midcentury New York, follows eight women, who worked at the avant-garde printmaking workshop Atelier 17 in New York between 1940 and 1955 (Yale University Press, 2019). The book reveals how Atelier 17 operated as an uncommonly egalitarian laboratory for revolutionizing print technique, style, and scale. It facilitated women artists’ engagement with modernist styles, providing a forum for extraordinary achievements that shaped postwar sculpture, fiber art, neo-Dadaism, and the Pattern and Decoration movement. Her research has been supported by the Metropolitan Museum, Getty Foundation, Mellon Foundation, and other institutional grants. She has published in Art in Print, Print Quarterly, and Archives of American Art Journal and contributed to several anthologies and exhibition catalogues. From 2014-2018, she served as Co-President of the Association of Print Scholars, a non-profit professional organization she co-founded in 2014. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked for a gallery representing the publications of the Los Angeles–based artists’ workshop Gemini G.E.L.